Lesson 1B: Introduction to Aviation and Flying Training

Introduction to Aviation and Flying Training

Welcome to the Aviation Course Online Session. This introductory video introduces one to the world of the aviation industry and further.

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Click here for the previous lessons, to learn about: Principle of Airframe; Principles of Aerodynamics; Airfoil Characteristics; Primary Flight Control Surfaces; Description and Operation of Helicopter; Miscellaneous Components of an Aircraft…

History of Aviation: Aircrafts Through Time

What is Aviation? 

The term aviation, was coined by a French pioneer named Guillaume Joseph Gabriel de La Landelle in 1863. It originates from the Latin word avis that literally means bird. Aviation means all the activities related to flying the aircraft.

The history of aviation dates to the 5th century with the invention of kites in China. The famous artist Leonardo da Vinci created the first drafts for a rational aircraft in his paintings in the 15th century. In 1647, Tito Livio Burattini developed a model aircraft featuring four pairs of glider wings.

The first manned flight was on November 21, 1783, the passengers were Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent. George Cayley worked to discover a way that man could fly. He designed many different versions of gliders that used the movements of the body to control.
Aviation includes the activities surrounding mechanical flight and the aircraft industry. Aircraft includes fixed-wing and rotary-wing types, morphable wings, wing-less lifting bodies, as well as lighter-than-air craft such as hot air balloons and airships.

While the Wright Brothers are commonly thought to have been the first to fly an airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, some believe the honor belongs to two other pioneering aviators: Alberto Santos-Dumont of Brazil and Gustave Whitehead of Connecticut.

We'll cover the historical events of aviation as well as the developments from the first flight and the technological advancements that have made aviation what it is today.

This volume provides an introduction to aviation management covering all major actors and processes, the fundamental structures, and the economic and regulatory background of the industry. It comprises contributions from experienced practitioners of the aviation industry and from scholars in that field.

This is an Aerospace engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft, focused on designing aeroplane and space shutlle and it is a study of all the flying wing used within the earth's atmosphere. Also dealing with the Avionic systems that includes communications, navigation, the display and management of multiple systems. Also dealing with Aircraft mishap such as Accident and Serious Incident