Aviation Safety Assessment


Aviation Security Assessment

Aviation safety is based on all the measures aimed at reducing air risk. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) issues standards and recommendations applicable in countries signatory to the Chicago Convention.

For example, ICAO Annex 10 defines the standards and recommendations applicable to aeronautical radiocommunications.

Aviation “security” should not be confused with aviation “security” which includes all the measures taken to fight against intentional malicious acts such as acts of terrorism. Aviation security consists mainly of searching for any explosive devices that could be smuggled into civilian airplanes, in any way whatsoever (in hold baggage, hand baggage, via the cargo transported in the holds, introduction by a crew member or a mechanic, etc.). It also aims to prevent the carrying of weapons of all kinds in the cabin and cockpit of the aircraft (on people and in hand luggage), weapons that could be used for the purposes of air piracy. This falls under what is commonly referred to as airport security.


Aviation Safety Assessment

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Aviation Security Assessment

Aviation Security Assessment

Aviation Safety Assessment

Lightning in flight

Studies by Boeing have shown that on average every airliner is struck by lightning twice a year. Although the resulting flash of light and startling noise may alarm passengers and crew, planes are designed to be immune to lightning strikes of normal intensity. When lightning strikes an aircraft, current flows through the cabin and then continues on its way. An aircraft is struck by lightning on average every 1000 flight hours.


Avian risk in flight


Bird hazard refers to the risk of collision between birds and aircraft. These shocks do not usually pose a fatal risk to a device, but they can sometimes cause air disasters. Serious accidents occur when the bird hits the windshield or is sucked into the jet engines. This type of collision with civilian aircraft generates costs worldwide estimated in 2000 at $ 1.2 billion.


To reduce this risk, devices have been put in place to keep birds away from airports, studies are being carried out on avian populations around airports, and aircraft manufacturers are reinforcing the most exposed parts of their aircraft and engines.


Engine failure in flight

Current commercial airplanes are able to sustain themselves even if a reactor is down, often after ingesting a bird. The situation can become delicate if the incident occurs during takeoff for a long flight. Apart from the overconsumption of fuel, the unknown on the extent of the damage and the probability of another failure, all the more serious if it concerns the same side, the technical decision to continue the flight does not seem incompatible with the performance of the device. To land immediately, it is necessary to drain a few tens of tons of fuel. The economic pressure is strong to continue even if the alternate airports are few.

Aircraft metal fatigue

The metal structures of airplanes are constantly subjected to often significant stresses. The airframe of the aircraft undergoes in particular on each flight a phase of compression then decompression (pressurization of the cabin during the climb then depressurization during the descent) which is particularly tiring for the metal. The structures that support the reactors must at the same time withstand significant stresses, but also high temperatures. All of these conditions tend to tire the metals, which then become more brittle (cracks). It is for this reason that aircraft structures are regularly inspected in order to detect any trace of abnormal fatigue as early as possible.


Aircraft stall

Stall, in aeronautical terms, is when the aerodynamic lift, the force against the weight, becomes less than the weight of the aircraft, which begins to lose altitude rapidly. The critical phases, where the consequences of a stall can be disastrous, are takeoff and

 landing because, at these times, the airplane is flying at low speed and is close to the ground.


To avoid stalling, audible and visual alarms are set up, in addition to the "buffeting" that pilots feel either on the control column on large aircraft thanks to a stick shaker, or directly by transmission of vibrations from the wings to the fuselage on light devices.

On large commercial aircraft (like the A320), IT barriers are put in place to prevent stalling. Stalling is made almost impossible because in the event of a risky situation, it is the on-board computer system which “takes control” (by increasing the throttle, for example).


Fire in flight

The fire is one of the most feared incidents in aeronautics due to the difficulty of fighting a fire in such a confined space where the spread of a fire can be particularly rapid, so all solutions are implemented to limit the risk of fire starting (for example, replacement of certain insulation materials recognized as too flammable).

Human factors in aviation

Most aviation accidents have a human cause. Very often, accidents are said to be multifactorial, that is to say that the cause is not due to one person, but to several people, who made mistakes, which if they were isolated would not have caused accident.

This is an Aerospace engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft, focused on designing aeroplane and space shutlle and it is a study of all the flying wing used within the earth's atmosphere. Also dealing with the Avionic systems that includes communications, navigation, the display and management of multiple systems. Also dealing with Aircraft mishap such as Accident and Serious Incident